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Jossie Goth - Contact us

Punk Pixie bound

062 932 1598


Cape Town

South Africa

♥ does punk pixie bound have a physical store?

Punk pixie bound does not have a physical store and is currently only online.

♥ There is an item i like but would like something changed. can i do that?

depending on the item and the change required, we might be able to change it for you.
Please send either an email or whatsapp message to us with the name of the product and change required.

♥ can i add onto an order that is already in processing?

yes, you can add onto an order. Contact us by sending an email letting us know that you’d like to add onto your pending order and we will send a code to bypass the shipping fee. you won’t have to pay another shipping fee.

♥ can i collect my order?

since we do not have a physical store, we unfortunately do not allow collections.

♥ I need something for a special OCCASION. is there any way to have items made and receive them sooner than the current processing time?

yes, you can have your order completed sooner with our rush fee. We suggest adding overnight shipping if you’re in a hurry and cannot wait 3 days for package delivery.